Mrs. Janis Dotzler - Room 51
Hi, I am Mrs. Janis Dotzler. I am so excited to be teaching 5th grade at SVdP again this year! This will be my 33rd year of teaching. I taught 3rd grade for 25 years at St. James/Seton and 4th grade for 6 years at Boyd Elementary. I received my BS in Education from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I love teaching and building relationships with my students and their families. I look forward to a great year helping my students become successful.
I teach all 5th grade students English. We will cover many grammar skills and then apply these to our writing units. The State Fair report will be a significant project for fifth graders. I will send out information often to update parents regarding this. I also teach religion, spelling, vocabulary, reading, and math. Mrs. Wallace is the teacher associate who will be working with all the 5th grade students and teachers. Students and parents can use this website to find important information regarding our class. You will find textbook links, you can check for daily homework assignments, and you can view weekly spelling lists by clicking the corresponding links below!
*All links to student resources can be found on Google Classroom.