School Administrators
Administration Office
You may contact administrative, office, and other support staff at 402-492-2111 or e-mail them by clicking on the linked names. Voice mail extensions are listed after each name; those extensions can be used to direct dial staff members after hours. To direct dial, use 402-452-2xxx (replace xxx with the extension).
(left to right)
School Principal
Dr. Barbara Marchese
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Diane Warneke
Assistant Principal
Mr. Nate Horner
to right)
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Courtney Eden, ext. 268
School Secretary
Mrs. Ann Lamphere, ext. 264
Attendance Secretary/Receptionist
Mrs. Haydee Gregory, ext. 260
(left to right)
Food Services Director
Mrs. Amy Dougherty, ext. 245
Mrs. Molly Dotzler, R.N., ext. 267
(left to right)
Child Care Co-Coordinators
Mrs. Anna Hammes and Ms. Linda Venticinque, ext. 278 or 402-452-2278
ASC Co-Coordinators
Mrs. Tashauna Sorensen and Mrs. Jaime Heedum, 402-669-3505 (not pictured)
Technology Support
Mr. Ray Bentzen, ext. 276
SVdP Parish Contacts
Archbishop George Lucas, Archdiocese of Omaha
Superintendent Vicki Koufal, School Office, Archdiocese of Omaha
Pastor Rev. Andy Roza
Associate Pastor Rev. Padraic Stack
Pastoral Minister Kelly Anderson
Director of Adult Formation Hannah Keisling
Pastoral Minister Nicole Florez
Director of Worship Kathy Mayer
Director of Communications Mollie Holoubek
Director of Religious Ed Jennifer McMahan
Director of Youth Ministry Selena Thompson
Facility Coordinator Chris Gries