
Volunteer Opportunity Descriptions for the 2024-2025 School Year
The volunteer spirit found in the St. Vincent de Paul School community is an essential element promoting spiritual growth and academic success.  Every year, parents and other volunteers donate hundreds of hours of their time to making sure ongoing needs and special events such as Field Day are fully staffed.  Below you will find a listing of volunteer opportunities for the coming school year.  Please take a few moments to review that listing and consider if your talents would be of assistance in one or more areas.


When you have found the perfect area or areas of interest for you, sign up to volunteer.  That signup can be accomplished in one of two ways.  For some events/activities, an online signup process has been created; simply click on the link provided to get started with those signups (links will be activated as signup forms are created).  In other cases, volunteering is accomplished through emailing a designated contact person; click on the name of that contact to launch your email program (email addresses are also provided in full in the event they are needed).

All volunteers working during the school day or when students are present need to complete Safe Environment training and have an active Safe Environment certification card from the Archdiocese of Omaha.  School staff will verify Safe Environment status for all volunteers before volunteers are allowed to begin providing services.


Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul School.

General School Support Opportunities
Health Screening:  Volunteers are needed to assist the school nurse in completing student health screenings. Screenings for 2024 will be held on Tuesday, September 24  (volunteers needed for AM and PM shifts) and re-screening is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8.  A link to a SignUp Genius form will be provided in advance of screening dates so volunteers can sign up to help.  Please contact school nurse Molly Dotzler (nurse@svdpomaha.org) with questions.

Adopt-a-Room Cleaning:  Assist the school and parish by deep cleaning one room over the summer.  Contact Chris Gries (griesc@svdpomaha.org) for more information and to volunteer.  Click here to signup online. 

Teacher Appreciation:  Coordinate and plan treats for teachers and staff to show our appreciation for them.  Includes Parent-Teacher Conference Meals and Teacher Appreciation Week.  Contact Cassy Braun (cassybraun@gmail.com) for  more information and to volunteer.

Special Events Opportunities (activities of a "one time" nature held over the course of the year)
Catholic Schools Week:  Coordinate with staff committee in planning activties.  Assist with student and parent pizza lunch.  Contact Nancy Maiers (kenna345@aol.com) for more information and to volunteer.
Grandparents/Special Friends Days:  Assist with activities including set up and clean up.  Dates for Grandparents/Special Friends Days will include September 16 for Grades 6-8, November 8 for Grades 3-5, and March 31 for grades K-2.  A link for a SignUp Genius form will be emailed to parents in the respective grades to let them know about volunteer opportunities for each event.  Grandparents Day Chairs are:
  • 6-8:  Nancy Maiers
  • 3-5:  Lindsey Audino and Sarah Volpone
  • K-2:  Angella Miller, Christy Storm, and Julia Storm
Field Days:  Assist with the outdoor activities for the 2025 Field Days (May 19; Grades 3-5 in AM; Grades K-2 in PM).  Contact Brian Boone (booneb@svdpomaha.org) for more information.


Career Day:  Assist the guidance counselor in scheduling speakers and working on the day of the event (March 28).  Contact Mrs. Nancy Skudlarek (skudlarekn@svdpomaha.org), SVdP Counselor,  for more information or to volunteer.


SVdP Book Bowl:  Assist with the SVdP Book Bowl competition during the afternoon and/or evening of the competition (scheduled for Friday, February 21).  Contact Mrs. Chris Kaiser (kaiserc@svdpomaha.org), SVdP Media Specialist,  for more information or to volunteer.


6th Grade Seder Meal:  Help prepare, serve, and share in this special meal taking place during Lent.  Contact Mrs. Diane Warneke (warneked@svdpomaha.org) for more information; an online signup form for volunteers will be available second semester.


6th-8th Speech Team Assistant:  One volunteer needed to assist school staff in helping students interested in public speaking and practicing for speech contests.  The teams practice and compete December through May.  Contact Mr. Jerry Leever (leeverj@svdpomaha.org), SVDP English teacher,  for more information and to volunteer.


Welcoming and Public Relations Opportunities (activities designed to keep our school families informed and to assist with related administrative procedures)

For general information on the activities listed below and other opportunities, contact Courtney Eden (edenc@svdpomaha.org) after August 1.

Kindergarten Round-Up:  Interact with incoming Kindergarteners on the day of Round-Up (April 11) and assist school staff as needed.
Welcoming New Families:  Contact families enrolling new students to welcome them and answer any questions they may have.
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